My name’s Patrick Roddie, and I’ve been documenting and exposing the global crime known as geoengineering, solar radiation management or chemtrails for many years. And now I need your help.
Thank you for your help!
You can now get t-shirts and mugs to both help support my research/activism – and spread the word about the covert spraying program.
Until February 13th, you can order t-shirts and mugs featuring my Stop Spraying Us logo. The t-shirts are US-made American Apparel, although the mugs are probably made in China…

My work isn’t cheap. I’ve posted five rainwater analyses today, each with at least five metals ($12-$17 a pop). I also spend money on audio/video equipment, travel, conferences and all kinds of other things. Every little bit helps.
If you’d like to donate directly, you can use my link and send what you like.